Aura Reading




Aura readings are a great way to find out your strengths and challenges in real time. Everyone can see auras. I happen to see and feel auras all the time surrounding people as energy fields. This reading is completed by me looking at current photographs of you in a mid chest up photograph and then a full body photograph where you can see the top of your head and down to your feet. This allows me to see your full aura and what colors and shapes of those colors are coming through. This can help you by gaining knowledge of where your strengths are coming through and what you may need to work on based on what colors I see. Your base aura will also be revealed to you.

This reading consists of a detailed written report of the colors and shapes I see in the photos you provide that make up your aura. It is possible I may use tarot cards, pendulum, oracle cards, etc at any time during a reading for further guidance and that will be explained in the report. At times I may also see or sense other energies within a photo or surrounding myself during the reading and that will also be explained in the report. Every experience is different and unique.

Your aura changes constantly but there are parts that come through that are consistent I can see. A main aura will be noted as well within this reading that will be what comes through the most. The colors I see are very specific and have different meanings for each person. Each one will be defined for you.

Please feel free to email me to see if this reading is what you are looking for!

If booking this reading, please send 2 photographs described above to

Typically this reading will be completed within 4-7 days, I will email you if more time is required.

*Readings are for entertainment purposes only. Information should not be used in place of any medical advice and old fashioned common sense.


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